University of Illinois at Chicago
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Human-Computer Interaction Logs

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posted on 2020-04-03, 18:45 authored by Julian TheisJulian Theis, Houshang Darabi

This dataset comprises ten human-computer interaction logs of real participants who solved a given task in a Windows environment. The participants were allowed to use the standard notepad, calculator, and file explorer. All recordings are anonymized and do not contain any private information.


Each of the five log files in the folder simple contains Human-Computer Interaction recordings of a participant solving a simple task. Participants were provided 30 raw text files where each one contained data about the revenue and expenses of a single product for a given time period. In total 15 summaries were asked to be created by summarizing the data of two files and calculating the combined revenue, expenses, and profit.


Each of the five log files in the folder complex contains Human-Computer Interaction recordings of a participant solving a more advanced task. In particular, participants were given a folder of text documents and were asked to create summary documents that contain the total revenue and expenses of the quarter, profit, and, where applicable, profit improvement compared to the previous quarter and the same quarter of the previous year. Each quarter’s data comprised multiple text files.

The logging application that has been used is the one described in

Julian Theis and Houshang Darabi. 2019. Behavioral Petri Net Mining and Automated Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction Recommendations in Multi-Application Environments. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 3, EICS, Article 13 (June 2019), 16 pages. DOI:

Please refer to Table 1 and Table 2 of this publication regarding the structure of the log files. The first column corresponds to the timestamp in milliseconds, the second column represents the event key, and the third column contains additional event-specific information.



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