Mobile Health Intervention in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes (NIDDK R01 Data and Metadata)
Description: A clinical trial was conducted to determine whether clinical pharmacists and health coaches using mHealth tools can improved hemoglobin A1c levels. This study randomized 221 African American or Latinx patients with type 2 diabetes and elevated A1c from an academic medical center in Chicago. Adults aged 21-75 were enrolled and randomized to either: (1) intervention group receiving mHealth diabetes support for 1 year followed by usual diabetes care during a second year (follow up duration 24 months), or (2) wait-list control group receiving usual diabetes care for 1 year followed by the mHealth diabetes intervention a second year. The mHealth intervention included remote support from clinical pharmacists via video telehealth and health coach activities that occurred in person at participant homes and via phone calls and text messaging. This dataset includes primary outcome (A1c) and secondary outcomes, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, health-related quality of life, diabetes distress, diabetes self-efficacy, depressive symptoms, social support, medication taking behavior, and diabetes self-care, measured every 6 months.
JAMA NetworkOpenLanguage
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