University of Illinois Chicago

The Medicalization of Trans Lives Health Humanities Portrait PowerPoint Presentation

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Version 2 2021-03-09, 01:18
Version 1 2021-02-04, 00:50
educational resource
posted on 2021-03-09, 01:18 authored by Sandra SufianSandra Sufian, Alyson Patsavas, Laura Hirshfield, Shay Phillips, Rebecca Garden, Michael Blackie

This Health Humanities Portrait- The Medicalization of Trans Lives-- uses the critical analytic approach of Disability Studies to explore medicalization as a social issue that impacts trans identity. The portrait helps learners understand how the concepts often marshaled in discussions of trans health--such as diagnosis, cure, and treatment-- can actually lead to disparities in trans health and healthcare.


National Endowment for the Humanities Humanities Initiatives for Hispanic-Serving Institutions (AC-258909-18)



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