posted on 2010-09-01, 00:00authored byEimy Rivas Plata
Lichens are one of the most harmonious and beautiful symbiotic relationships in nature. They can be found almost anywhere, forming communities that can be considered “art mosaics” to the simple view. Among the high diversity, there is a group of lichens that grow in small patches over tree trunks in all kind of forests, from dry to moist ones, showing bright colors and curious shapes. Their presence can indicate air quality, forest health and even the presence of heavy metals. The complex morphology of such lichens tells a highly variable but incomplete story. Molecular analysis helps to form a more complete picture, and that is where my research is focused. Using molecular biology and morphological characters, my study seeks to unveil the evolution of tropical microlichens.
Publisher Statement
Honorable mention in 2009 in The Image of Research, a competition for students in graduate or professional degree programs at UIC, sponsored by UIC's Graduate College and the University Library. Images of award recipients and honorable mention images on exhibition in the Richard J. Daley Library and the Library of the Health Sciences, April 16-May 12, 2009.