This image represents platinum islands formed on top of single crystal Pt(111) surface. Limited by the diffusion along the adatom island edges, all islands are triangular shaped. Our research is focused on the formation of periodic arrays of platinum nanoclusters with a uniform size distribution on top of metal substrates. Platinum are deposited on top of metal substrate by evaporation of Pt rod. Adatoms behave differently depending on which substrate is in use. If the substrate is a single crystal surface, instead of forming clusters, flat islands with only one or two atomic layers are formed, as the image indicates. Image was obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) at room temperature, after deposition of 0.4 ML platinum on Pt(111) surface.
University of Illinois at Chicago Graduate College
Publisher Statement
Entry 2011 in The Image of Research, a competition for students in graduate or professional degree programs at UIC, sponsored by UIC's Graduate College and the University Library. Images of award recipients and honorable mention images on exhibition in the Richard J. Daley Library, April 13-May 30, 2011.