My master's project is a description of my experience identifying and attempting to mitigate the unequal distribution of bike racks in the City of Chicago. Because of my employment at the Chicago Department of Transportation, I got a firsthand look at the data and how they showed a likely unequal distribution of facilities. I made the data publicly available online and then commenced a project to deal with the issue. I made the image using ArcGIS to compare data from all of 2008 and the most current data for 2009 to show how my program expanded its reach from 2008 to 2009. The image should convey some of the initial impact my project is making to deal with the issue.
Publisher Statement
Entry in 2010 in The Image of Research, a competition for students in graduate or professional degree programs at UIC, sponsored by UIC's Graduate College and the University Library. Images of award recipients and honorable mention images on exhibition in the Richard J. Daley Library and the Library of the Health Sciences, April 15-May 31, 2010.