"System Dynamics especially Railroad Vehicle Dynamics are used to predict the behavior of these systems under different initial conditions and external forces. To do that, DSL students often create 3D models of the bodies as well as animations that can show bodies’ motion under these conditions. This image shows the simulation of a freight car body negotiating a spiral segment of a track.
Car bodies’ dynamic behavior on curved tracks is extremely important because of its significant effect on train safety and stability. In order to accurately simulate a car body, different mechanical elements such as springs, dampers, wheelsets, frames, and parts called bolsters and equalizers have been considered in this model.
University of Illinois at Chicago Graduate College
Publisher Statement
Entry 2011 in The Image of Research, a competition for students in graduate or professional degree programs at UIC, sponsored by UIC's Graduate College and the University Library. Images of award recipients and honorable mention images on exhibition in the Richard J. Daley Library, April 13-May 30, 2011.