posted on 2022-08-22, 02:34authored byMara Kieser, Donna Feudo, Julie Legg, Raquel Rodriguez, Allison SchrieverAllison Schriever, Louise Parent-Stevens, Sheila AllenSheila Allen, Agnes Ann Feemster, Mark Brueckl, Paul C Walker, Amy Pick, Kate Caward, Katie Oja, Mary McGuiggan, Brian Shepler
Accommodating pharmacy students with physical disabilities during the experiential learning portion of the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) curriculum can present unique challenges for pharmacy schools. The available literature regarding accommodations for pharmacy students in the experiential learning environment is sparse, leaving programs with little guidance. This commentary from the Big Ten Academic Alliance calls on the Academy to create a community of shared resources and best practice examples and offers practical suggestions for accommodating pharmacy students with mobility, vision, and auditory disabilities during introductory pharmacy practice experiences (IPPEs) and advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs).
Kieser, M., Feudo, D., Legg, J., Rodriguez, R., Schriever, A., Parent-Stevens, L., Allen, S. M., Feemster, A. A., Brueckl, M., Walker, P. C., Pick, A., Caward, K., Oja, K., McGuiggan, M.Shepler, B. (2021). Accommodating Pharmacy Students With Physical Disabilities During the Experiential Learning Curricula. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 86(1), 8426-.