My PhD thesis explores the microenvironment of cancer's responsive gene delivery system for brain tumors. We aim to target the upregulated miRNAs involved in brain tumors by delivering antimiRNAs with our polymeric gene delivery system. The key barriers of gene delivery are achieving adequate cellular uptake and prompt release of antimiRNA from the delivery system once arriving at the cytoplasm. In this image, we successfully observed sufficient amounts of antimiRNA existing in cells in a diffuse pattern. The image is critical evidence to suggest the potential of our stimuli responsive gene delivery system. The green color is fluorophore-labeled antimiRNAs in cytoplasm where they actually take action. The red color is nuclei stained with DRAQ5, an infrared dye. Nature creates beauty, and this time, she is an Impressionist! Our next step is to test the therapeutic effect of these stunning strawberries on brain tumor cell lines. Isn't it every cancer patient's wish that their medicine could be as delicious as strawberries? The project is funded by a UIC Provost's Award for Graduate Research.
This exhibit competition is organized by the University of Illinois at Chicago Graduate College and the University Library.
Publisher Statement
Biopharmaceutical Sciences; Finalist; Copyright 2014, Yu Zhang. Used with permission. For more information, contact the Graduate College at