posted on 2018-06-25, 00:00authored byGlen T. Schumock, A. Simon Pickard
Second-order correct versions of the usual KdV-BBM models for unidirectional propagation of long-crested, surface water waves are considered here. The focus will be on a class of recently derived mathematical models for the propagation of such
waves. A fully discrete, numerical algorithm based on the Fourier spectral method is developed and its convergence tested. We then use this algorithm to generate solitary- wave solutions to the model. While such waves are known to exist, exact formulas for
them are not available. The heart of the paper is a sequence of numerical experiments aimed at understanding the stability of individual solitary waves, their interaction and whether or not the model exhibits resolution of general initial data into solitary waves. A comparison is made between the rst-order correct KdV-BBM models and the associated second order correct equations. A number of tentative conjectures pertaining to the models are put forward on the basis of these experiments.
Publisher Statement
Copyright @ Future Medicine
Schumock, G. T. and Pickard, A. S. Comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research: Enhancing uptake and use by patients, clinicians and payers. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research. 2018. 7(2): 177-180. 10.2217/cer-2017-0057.