University of Illinois Chicago

DG–CA3 circuitry mediates hippocampal representations of latent information

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-04-20, 19:31 authored by Alexandra T Keinath, Andrés Nieto-Posadas, Jennifer C Robinson, Mark P Brandon

Survival in complex environments necessitates a flexible navigation system that incorporates memory of recent behavior and associations. Yet, how the hippocampal spatial circuit represents latent information independent of sensory inputs and future goals has not been determined. To address this, we image the activity of large ensembles in subregion CA1 via wide-field fluorescent microscopy during a novel behavioral paradigm. Our results demonstrate that latent information is represented through reliable firing rate changes during unconstrained navigation. We then hypothesize that the representation of latent information in CA1 is mediated by pattern separation/completion processes instantiated upstream within the dentate gyrus (DG) and CA3 subregions. Indeed, CA3 ensemble recordings reveal an analogous code for latent information. Moreover, selective chemogenetic inactivation of DG–CA3 circuitry completely and reversibly abolishes the CA1 representation of latent information. These results reveal a causal and specific role of DG–CA3 circuitry in the maintenance of latent information within the hippocampus.



Keinath, A. T., Nieto-Posadas, A., Robinson, J. C., & Brandon, M. P. (2020). DG–CA3 circuitry mediates hippocampal representations of latent information. Nature communications, 11(1), 3026.


Springer Nature


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