posted on 2008-06-26, 00:00authored byAlfonse T. Masi, John Charles Hannon
Human resting muscle
(myofascial) tone (HRMT) is the passive
tonus or tension of skeletal muscle that
derives from its intrinsic (EMG-silent)
molecular viscoelastic properties. The word
tone has been used to convey varying
clinical and physiological features that have
led to confusion and controversy. HRMT is
the vital low-level, passive tension, and
resistance to stretch that contributes
importantly to maintaining postural stability
in balanced equilibrium positions. In
contrast, co-contraction of muscle is an
active neuromotor control that provides
greater levels of tonus for increased
stabilization. Functionally, HRMT is
integrated with other passive fascial and
ligamentous tensional networks of the body
to form a biotensegrity system. This review
aims to achieve better understandings of
HRMT and its functional roles.
Nature is frugal and Man’s adaptations to
gravitational forces and erect postures
seemingly evolved mechanisms in skeletal
muscle tissues to economically enhance
stability. Normal passive muscle tone helps
maintain relaxed standing body posture with
minimally increased energy costs (circa 7%
over supine), and often for prolonged
durations without fatigue. Available data
infer polymorphic variations in normal
myofascial tone. However, few quantitative
studies have been performed to establish
normal frequency distributions of degrees of
myofascial tone. Clinical experience
indicates that persons with certain
symptomatic musculoskeletal conditions
may have palpably increased resting muscle
firmness or hardness (EMG-silent), such as
that of the upper trapezius in tension-type
headache, and the lumbodorsal extensors
(hartspann) in degenerative lumbar disc
disease and ankylosing spondylitis.
In summary, resting skeletal muscle tone is
an intrinsic viscoelastic tension exhibited
within the body’s kinematic chains. It
functions inseparably from fascial (i.e.
myofascial) tissues and ligamentous
structures. Thus, HRMT is a passive
myofascial property which operates within
networks of tensional tissues, i.e.,
biotensegrity. This passive tension is the
CNS-independent component resulting from
intrinsic molecular interactions of the
actomyosin filaments in sarcomeric units of
skeletal muscle and myofibroblast cells.
The overarching CNS-activated muscle
contractions generate far greater tensions
transmitted by fascial elements.
Interdisciplinary research on HRMT and its
biodynamics promises greater effectiveness
of clinical practitioners and productivity of
investigators, which warrants priority