PURPOSE: The research assesses the impact of online journals on citation patterns
by examining whether researchers were more likely to limit the resources they
cited to those journals available online rather than those only in print.
SETTING: Publications from a large urban university with a medical college at an
urban location and at a smaller regional location were examined. The number of
online journals available to authors on either campus was the same. The number of
print journals available on the large campus was much greater than the print
journals available at the small campus. METHODOLOGY: Searches by author
affiliation from 1996 to 2005 were performed in the Web of Science to find all
articles written by affiliated members in the college of medicine at the selected
institution. Cited references from randomly selected articles were recorded, and
the cited journals were coded into five categories based on their availability at
the study institution: print only, print and online, online only, not owned, and
dropped. Results were analyzed using SPSS. The age of articles cited for selected
years as well as for 2006 and 2007 was also examined. RESULTS: The number of
journals cited each year continued to increase. On the large urban campus,
researchers were not more likely to cite journals available online or less likely
to cite journals only in print. At the regional location, at which the number of
print-only journals was minimal, use of print-only journals significantly
decreased. CONCLUSION/DISCUSSION: The citation of print-only journals by
researchers with access to a library with a large print and electronic collection
appeared to continue, despite the availability of potential alternatives in the
online collection. Journals available in electronic format were cited more
frequently in publications from the campus whose library had a small print
collection, and the citation of journals available in both print and electronic
formats generally increased over the years studied.