University of Illinois Chicago

Inherent Self-Interference Cancellation for In-Band Full-Duplex Single-Antenna Systems

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-04-09, 00:00 authored by Seiran Khaledian, Farhad Farzami, Besma Smida, Danilo Erricolo
We propose a new analog self-interference cancellation (SIC) technique for in-band full-duplex transmission (IBFD) in single-antenna systems. We use an RF circulator to separate transmitted (Tx) and received (Rx) signals. Instead of estimating the self-interference (SI) signals and subtracting them from the Rx signals, we use the inherent secondary SI signals at the circulator, reflected by the antenna, to cancel the primary SI signals leaked from the Tx port to the Rx port. We modified the frequency response of the secondary SI signals using a reconfigurable impedance mismatched terminal (IMT) circuit, which consists of two varactor diodes at the antenna port. We can also adjust the frequency band and bandwidth by controlling the varactor diodes bias voltages. The IMT adjustability makes it robust to antenna input impedance variations and fabrication errors. We analyze and fabricate a prototype of the proposed technique at 2.45 GHz. We achieved more than 40 dB cancellation over 65 MHz of bandwidth. Our technique is independent of the RF circulator and antenna type and it can be applied to any frequency band. It is also very relevant to small mobile devices because it provides a simple, low-power and low-cost adjustable analog SIC technique.


This work was partially funded by the US National Science Foundation CAREER award 1620902.


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Khaledian, S., Farzami, F., Smida, B., & Erricolo, D. (2018). Inherent Self-Interference Cancellation for In-Band Full-Duplex Single-Antenna Systems. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 66(6), 2842-2850. doi:10.1109/TMTT.2018.2818124


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


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