posted on 2015-11-05, 00:00authored byLR Thoutam, YL Wang, ZL Xiao, S. Das, A. Luican-Mayer, R. Divan, GW Crabtree, WK Kwok
Extremely large magnetoresistance (XMR) was recently discovered in WTe2, triggering extensive research on this material regarding the XMR origin. Since WTe2 is a layered compound with metal layers sandwiched between adjacent insulating chalcogenide layers, this material has been considered to be
electronically two-dimensional (2D). Here we report two new findings on WTe2: (1) WTe2 is electronically 3D with a mass anisotropy as low as 2, as revealed by the 3D scaling behavior of the resistance RðH; θÞ ¼ RðεθHÞ with εθ ¼ ðcos2θ þ γ−2sin2θÞ1=2, θ being the magnetic field angle with respect to the c axis of the
crystal and γ being the mass anisotropy and (2) the mass anisotropy γ varies with temperature and follows
the magnetoresistance behavior of the Fermi liquid state. Our results not only provide a general scaling
approach for the anisotropic magnetoresistance but also are crucial for correctly understanding the
electronic properties of WTe2, including the origin of the remarkable “turn-on” behavior in the resistance versus temperature curve, which has been widely observed in many materials and assumed to be a metalinsulator transition.
This work was supported by DOE BES under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 which also funds Argonne’s Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) and Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) where the nanopatterning and morphological analysis were performed. L. R. T. and Z. L. X. acknowledge NSF Grant No. DMR-1407175.