University of Illinois Chicago

The Signs and Significance of Personality Coherence in Personal Stories and Strivings

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-04-06, 18:09 authored by Marc A. Fournier, Mengxi Dong, Matthew N. Quitasol, Nicholas WeststrateNicholas Weststrate, Stefano I. Di Domenico
The concept of personality coherence refers to the extent of psychological unity and wholeness embodied within each individual. In the present research, we examined the extent to which the narrative, functional, and organismic conceptualizations of personality coherence interrelate, as well as their associations with psychological abilities and personal adjustment. College students (N = 391) narrated accounts of three personal memories; listed five personal strivings that they subsequently compared and evaluated; completed performance measures of their intelligence, wisdom, and creativity; and rated their hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Individuals who coherently organized their autobiographical memories were protected against feeling pressured or compelled in their personal strivings and against being steered toward need-detracting futures. Narrative indicators of coherence were otherwise independent of the functional and organismic indicators, although all indicators of personality coherence correlated with personal adjustment. Wisdom and creativity predicted narrative coherence, which partially mediated the associations they demonstrated with eudaimonic well-being.



Fournier, M. A., Dong, M., Quitasol, M. N., Weststrate, N. M.Di Domenico, S. I. (2018). The Signs and Significance of Personality Coherence in Personal Stories and Strivings. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(8), 1228-1241.


SAGE Publications


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