University of Illinois Chicago

The future treatment for type 1 diabetes: Pig islet- or stem cell-derived β cells?

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-02, 22:49 authored by Raza NaqviRaza Naqvi, Afsar NaqviAfsar Naqvi, Amar Singh, Medha PriyadarshiniMedha Priyadarshini, Appakalai N Balamurugan, Brian LaydenBrian Layden
Replacement of β cells is only a curative approach for type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients to avoid the threat of iatrogenic hypoglycemia. In this pursuit, islet allotransplantation under Edmonton's protocol emerged as a medical miracle to attain hypoglycemia-free insulin independence in T1D. Shortage of allo-islet donors and post-transplantation (post-tx) islet loss are still unmet hurdles for the widespread application of this therapeutic regimen. The long-term survival and effective insulin independence in preclinical studies have strongly suggested pig islets to cure overt hyperglycemia. Importantly, CRISPR-Cas9 technology is pursuing to develop "humanized" pig islets that could overcome the lifelong immunosuppression drug regimen. Lately, induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived β cell approaches are also gaining momentum and may hold promise to yield a significant supply of insulin-producing cells. Theoretically, personalized β cells derived from a patient's iPSCs is one exciting approach, but β cell-specific immunity in T1D recipients would still be a challenge. In this context, encapsulation studies on both pig islet as well as iPSC-β cells were found promising and rendered long-term survival in mice. Oxygen tension and blood vessel growth within the capsules are a few of the hurdles that need to be addressed. In conclusion, challenges associated with both procedures, xenotransplantation (of pig-derived islets) and stem cell transplantation, are required to be cautiously resolved before their clinical application.



Naqvi, R. A., Naqvi, A. R., Singh, A., Priyadarshini, M., Balamurugan, A. N.Layden, B. T. (2023). The future treatment for type 1 diabetes: Pig islet- or stem cell-derived β cells? Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13, 1001041-.




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