University of Illinois Chicago

Transition Trends Associated with Topic Focus Since 1990: A Literature Review

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-16, 15:33 authored by Lisa CushingLisa Cushing, Michelle Parker-KatzMichelle Parker-Katz, Lindsay S Athamanah, Samantha A Walte, Kasandra M Pose
A systematic review of transition literature was conducted on 743 articles published in 22 special education journals from 1990 to 2015. Demographic data and topics of transition-related articles were coded to identify the trends in transition literature. Results found only 4.1% of articles in those journals focused on transition. Student participants were primarily White males with a specific learning disability or intellectual disability. Key topics of transition (e.g., self-determination, transition planning) were supported by several studies in the literature. Yet, crucial topics (e.g., transportation skills, interagency collaboration) contained little research support. A summary of the current trends in transition research and implications for future research are discussed.



Cushing, L. S., Parker-Katz, M., Athamanah, L. S., Walte, S. A.Pose, K. M. (2020). Transition Trends Associated with Topic Focus Since 1990: A Literature Review. Remedial and Special Education, 41(5), 271-283.


SAGE Publications


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