posted on 2018-11-20, 00:00authored byEvelien Van de Vondel, Pieter Baatsen, Roos Van Elzen, Anne-Marie Lambeir, Timothy A. Keiderling, Wouter Herrebout, Christian Johannessen
The effects of crowding, using the crowding agent Ficoll 70, and the presence of beta-synuclein on the fibrillation process of alpha-synuclein were studied by spectroscopic techniques, transmission electron microscopy and ThT-assays. This combined approach, where all techniques were applied to the same original sample, generated an unprecedented understanding of the effects of these modifying agents on the morphological properties of the fibrils. Separately, crowding gives rise to shorter mutually aligned fibrils while beta-synuclein leads to branched, short fibrils. The combi-nation of both effects leads to short, branched, mutually aligned fibrils. Moreover, it is shown that the non-destructive technique of vibrational circular dichroism is extremely sensitive towards the length and the higher order morphology of the fibrils.
The authors acknowledge the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT) and the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) for a predoctoral scholarship and a travel grant to E.V.d.V. Financial support by the Flem-ish Community, through the BOF concerned research ac-tions (GOA) is acknowledged. The authors also thank Dr. Yani Sim (Medical Biochemistry group, Department of Pharmacy, University of Antwerp, Belgium) for technical support.
Publisher Statement
Copyright @ American Chemical Society
Van de Vondel, E., Baatsen, P., Van Elzen, R., Lambeir, A. M., Keiderling, T. A., Herrebout, W. A., & Johannessen, C. (2018). Vibrational Circular Dichroism Sheds New Light on the Competitive Effects of Crowding and beta-Synuclein on the Fibrillation Process of alpha-Synuclein. Biochemistry, 57(41), 5989-5995. doi:10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00780