University of Illinois Chicago

Visual limit-push training alters movement variability

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-16, 16:31 authored by E Hajissa, A Shah, James PattonJames Patton
In both movement training and neurorehabilitation, there have been numerous examples of how average performance can be manipulated through practice using enhanced visual feedback. Objective: Rather than just influencing the mean, our objective was to use a novel feedback technique called limit-push to influence the trial-to-trial variability of motion by distorting vision. Method : Limit-push was previously done using robotic forces; the present study employed only visual distortions that imitated the limit-push approach. Results: Like the robotic force treatment, our results showed how subjects significantly shifted the distributions of their motions. This effect was even greater than that of the original limit-push experiment that used robotic forces. Significance : Such visual distortion interventions do not require a robot for enhanced training. Conclusion: The visual limit-push technique appears to be able to selectively alter both the central tendency and variability in performance training applications.



Hajissa, E., Shah, A.Patton, J. L. (2018). Visual limit-push training alters movement variability. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65(10), 2162-2167.


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


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