University of Illinois Chicago

MCVD: The Image of an Overburdened Community

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In preparation for the proximity to hazards dashboard (PHD) upgrade dealing with environmental justice issues in Chicago, and as part of the community-based participatory design approach, we are adding new exposure sources of concern for communities and improving the interface's functionality. A preliminary analysis of this information revealed that most asphalt plants and rail yard support facilities are primarily in Chicago's southwest side. These rail yard support facilities require elevated truck traffic levels to accommodate the high volume of containers passing trough the intermodal terminals. In addition, the prevailing wind direction and the location of all these sources are likely to enhance the environmental burden on some downwind communities in the SW.



Linda Johnson, Phillip Boda, Fabio Miranda, Michael D. Cailas, Elizabeth Porter, Marisol Becerra, Frederica Fusi,Jiaqi Liang, Michael D.Siciliano, Apostolis Sambanis, and Sybil Derrible. Midwest Comprehensive Visualization Dashboards: The Image of an Overburdened Community