University of Illinois Chicago

Midwest Comprehensive Visualization Dashboards: Prioritizing COVID-19 vaccinations

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Version 2 2021-03-01, 15:46
Version 1 2021-02-24, 20:12
posted on 2021-03-01, 15:46 authored by Michael CailasMichael Cailas
Considering the potential for widespread adoption of social vulnerability indices (SVI) to prioritize COVID-19 vaccinations, there is a need to carefully assess them, particularly for correspondence with outcomes (such as loss of life) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The UIC SPH PHGIS team developed a Midwest Comprehensive Visualization Dashboard (MCVD) for prioritizing COVID-19 vaccinations that shows bivariate maps displaying COVID-19 mortality in relation to social vulnerability percentiles for counties in the North Central Region of the United States known as Midwest. The information provided in the MCVD is vital for the multidimensional needs of an effective vaccination strategy which will account for population vulnerability as well as the realized the losses within each community.


PHGIS program



Blaser M., Canar J., Greg Arling, Cailas M.D., Sambanis A., Flax-Hatch J., Cooper B., Charles R., Geraci P., and Osiecki K. Midwest Comprehensive Visualization Dashboards: Prioritizing COVID-19 vaccinations. UIC-SPH-PHGIS program publication White Paper No. 1.2021.02.18 (PHGIS-WP-1.2021.02.18).