posted on 2015-07-21, 00:00authored byMattias Mengoni
This thesis work presents a novel design of a passive ultra-thin IOL, which is the only
e ective method for treatment of cataract, a condition responsible for the majority of the
world's blindness cases. The lens is designed in a Fresnel shape, which is set to minimize surgical
impact and to restore full-range vision without any need for an external power supply. This
IOL presents potential to be more a more reliable, versatile, cost and time e ective alternative
than the current state of the art iterations.
The rst part of this work focuses on discussing the statistics on cataract surgery, the current
state of the art IOLs and the theoretical background on human and rabbit eye anatomy, as well
as an overview of regulations on laboratory testing. The design will focus on the rabbit lens,
as it is a crucial experimental step since tests on humans cannot be directly carried out, even
if they are the nal user of the IOL. The second part focuses on discussing the idea and design
of the lens, presenting both the standard approach and some alternative solutions, including
the one here presented, with a discussion on trade-o s. The third part focuses on discussing
fabrication of the IOL mold by means of advanced 3D electron beam mix and match lithography,
and characterization of the nal sample. Comparisons with IOLs currently available on the
market are also presented. Using all acquired data it will then be possible to try several similar
accommodative designs, as well as designing haptics for full force transfer from the ciliary
muscles to the IOL. All these and future developments are discussed in the conclusion.