University of Illinois Chicago

Effect of Heat on the Setting Reaction and Physical Properties of Endodontic Sealers

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posted on 2022-08-01, 00:00 authored by Ashley E Swan
The success of endodontic therapy relies on several factors, including the final obturation and the ability to seal off micro-organisms and to prevent re-contamination of the root canal space. A sealer is used to help fill irregularities and voids between dentin and gutta percha, including accessory canals and multiple foramina, whilst entombing any remaining bacteria. When obturating a root canal, clinicians can choose from several techniques including cold lateral condensation, warm vertical obturation, carrier-based obturation, or single-cone techniques utilizing hydraulic sealer-based obturation techniques. Thermal techniques have been shown to affect not only the setting reaction, but also the physical properties and sealing abilities of endodontics sealers (Chavarria-Bolanos et al., 2022). The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the effect of heat application on the setting time, flow, and film thickness of two pre-mixed bioceramic calcium-silicate based sealers: Endosequence BC Sealer (Brasseler) and AH Plus Bioceramic (Dentsply) compared to an epoxy resin-based sealer, AH Plus (Dentsply). A total of five samples of each sealer were prepared and setting time, flow and film thickness were tested using ISO 6876 recommendations, with and without the application of heat. Data Analysis was performed using SPSS. This study demonstrates that when subjected to heat, statistically significant changes in setting time and flow were observed in the AH Plus epoxy resin-based sealer, however no statistically significant changes were observed in either pre-mixed tricalcium silicate sealers. This finding reveals that tricalcium silicate sealers may be more resistant to changes from heat application compared to epoxy resin-based sealers. Even for short durations, heat applied during thermal obturation techniques may affect the setting of an epoxy resin sealer and could compromise the seal between gutta percha and dentin. Understanding how heat and other factors impact the setting reaction is important for deciding which obturation techniques to utilize and for developing better materials to improve clinical outcomes.



Alapati, Satish


Alapati, Satish



Degree Grantor

University of Illinois at Chicago

Degree Level

  • Masters

Degree name

MS, Master of Science

Committee Member

Johnson, Bradford Kratunova, Evelina

Submitted date

August 2022

Thesis type



  • en

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