The haptics-based virtual reality surgical simulator project focuses upon the research and development of a tool for training in percutaneous renal access. By the use of virtual reality and haptics technology, the application allows trainees to learn how to correctly puncture a kidney under fluoroscopy guidance, by exploring a 3D virtual human body and experiencing real tactile sensations while touching the surface of skin, bones, kidneys and collecting system, lungs and vessels with a virtual needle.
Since physicians rely mainly on tactile feedbacks to execute surgical procedures, the integration of haptics is indisputably essential for a realistic simulator, along with an accurate reproduction of the human anatomy.
The haptics-based virtual reality simulator may represent an important tool for the basic training of the urologists in obtaining percutaneous renal access: practicing on this simulator is also likely to support trainees in the improvement of hand-eye coordination, in the C arm management in the operative room, in processing 2D radiographic images into 3D mind images, which is crucial for a good access, and in avoiding unnecessary X-ray exposure during the learning process.