The systematic collective vibrations of the constituent atoms of a crystal poessess energy which is
quantized – the quantum of energy is referred to as phonons. The presence of phonons in the
semiconductor lattice introduces anomaly in the otherwise periodic arrangement of atoms which
significantly modifies the electrical, thermal and optical properties of the semiconductors. Phonons in
semiconductor give rise to many significant effects such as: (a) It is one of the most dominant scattering
mechanism for electron transport (b) Non-vertical electron transitions in Indirect band gap
semiconductors (c) Creation and annihilation of excitons. Recent advancements in fabrication of low
dimensional nanostructures have found various applications in optoelectronics and novel devices to be
used in switches. The dimensional confinement of nanostructutres in one or more spatial dimensions
modifies the bulk phonons, for example in quantum well new modes such as : Interface modes, confined
modes, propagating modes and half space modes arise. In polar semiconductors the most significant
mechanism of electron-phonon interaction is through the frohlich interaction. My work concentrates on
Interface modes in wurtzite heterostructure and out-of plane modes in 2D materials (for which I have
considered MoS2) In the present thesis I have worked on the following problems:
1. Derivation of analytical expressions for dispersion relation and electron Interaction (frohlich
potential) potential for the Interface modes in various two interface wurtzite heterostructure.
2. Derivation of analytical expressions and conditions for existence of Interface modes in two
interface ternary alloy heterostructures such as Al(1-x)Ga(x)N and quantum well heterostructure
GaN/In(x)Ga(1-x)N/GaN as a function of composition “which is labelled by x”. This work
extends the work of komirenko et al (1999) applied to wurtzite material heterostructures.
3. Derivation of analytical expressions for dispersion relation and electron Interaction (frohlich
potential) potential for the Interface modes in metal terminated two interface wurtzite
heterostructure. This problem investigates the role of metal terminations in nanostructures to
reduce scattering of electrons by Interface modes.
4. Inspired by the work of Yu et al (1997), I have Developed a Transfer Matrix Theory for
determination of dispersion relation and frohlich potential amplitudes in any heterostructure with
any arbitrary number of layers. This theory is then applied to a 4-period superlattice of AlN/GaN
5. Determination of Electron interaction potential due to out-of-plane phonon mode in MoS2.