University of Illinois at Chicago
KAPADIA-PRIMARY-2024.pdf (3.52 MB)

The Failure of Automated Insulin Delivery System

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posted on 2024-05-01, 00:00 authored by Jimit Kapadia
This thesis looks into the shortcomings of automated insulin delivery (AID) systems, which are meant to help people with diabetes live better lives by automatically delivering insulin in response to blood glucose levels. AID systems have limitations that, despite their potential, might result in severe problems like hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), endangering the users' health. The necessity of maintaining glycemic balance is emphasized in the study's opening section, which thoroughly reviews insulin's function in controlling blood glucose levels and the pathophysiology of diabetes. It delves deeper into the creation and functionality of AID systems and the parts that make them up, like insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). The thesis examines these systems' attempts to replicate the natural release of insulin by a healthy pancreas and their reliance on algorithms to forecast and modify insulin supply crucially. After that, attention turns to the study's main finding, which is the failure of AID systems. It focuses on technical malfunctions like inaccurate sensors and algorithmic mistakes. The research reveals prevalent failure modes and their effects on patient safety. To sum up, this study suggests a multimodal strategy to reduce the likelihood of AID systems failing. It includes improved algorithmic decision-making, sensor technology breakthroughs, and strict regulatory monitoring. The thesis highlights how AID systems can transform diabetes care and open the door to safer, more dependable automated insulin delivery alternatives by tackling these obstacles.



Dr. Tolou Shokuhfar


Biomedical Engineering

Degree Grantor

University of Illinois Chicago

Degree Level

  • Masters

Degree name

Master of Science

Committee Member

Dr. Mathew Mathew Dr. Reza Shahbazian-Yassar

Thesis type



  • en

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