Niranjan Karnik
Professor & Director, Institute for Juvenile Research (Psychiatry (incl. psychotherapy); Community child health; Epidemiology not elsewhere classified; Health and community services; Health care administration; Health surveillance; Sociology not elsewhere classified; Wireless communication systems and technologies (incl. microwave and millimetrewave); Communications engineering not elsewhere classified; Data communications; Human-computer interaction; Health informatics and information systems; Social and community informatics)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Adapting a family intervention to reduce risk factors for sexual exploitation
- Assessing and treating complex mental health needs among homeless youth in a shelter-based clinic
- Validation of an alcohol misuse classifier in hospitalized patients
- The Postencounter Form System: Viewpoint on Efficient Data Collection Within Electronic Health Records
- Examining Insomnia During Intensive Treatment for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Does it Improve and Does it Predict Treatment Outcomes?
- 41. Understanding Young Bisexual Men’s Unique Health Outcomes and Sexual Risk: Implications for Future Research
- A randomized controlled efficacy trial of an electronic screening and brief intervention for alcohol misuse in adolescents and young adults vulnerable to HIV infection: step up, test up study protocol
- Negative posttraumatic cognitions among military sexual trauma survivors
- Harnessing Phones to Target Pediatric Populations with Socially Complex Needs: Systematic Review (Preprint)
- The Identification of Subphenotypes and Associations with Health Outcomes in Patients with Opioid-Related Emergency Department Encounters Using Latent Class Analysis
- Treatment response trajectories in a three-week CPT-Based intensive treatment for veterans with PTSD
- Building a Child Mental Health Workforce for the 21st Century: Closing the Training Gap
- Considerations for working with youth with socially complex needs
- Response to Fitzgerald & Barenholtz: There is still much work to be done for digital classifiers
- Core outcomes set for research on the treatment of opioid use disorder (COS-OUD): the National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network protocol for an e-Delphi consensus study
- Implementation of Gender Identity and Assigned Sex at Birth Data Collection in Electronic Health Records: Where Are We Now?
- Harnessing Phones to Target Pediatric Populations with Socially Complex Needs: Systematic Review
- Editorial: Bullying and Suicide Risk: Restructuring Prevention, Identification, and Treatment to Address a Global Mental Health Crisis
- Bias and fairness assessment of a natural language processing opioid misuse classifier: Detection and mitigation of electronic health record data disadvantages across racial subgroups
- A chart review of substance use screening and related documentation among adolescents in outpatient pediatric clinics: Implications for practice
- Publicly available machine learning models for identifying opioid misuse from the clinical notes of hospitalized patients
- Feasibility of a 3-Week Intensive Treatment Program for Service Members and Veterans With PTSD
- Using layperson-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy to address mental health disparities
- Supporting Primary Care Access and Use among Homeless Persons
- External validation of an opioid misuse machine learning classifier in hospitalized adult patients
- Depression among Youth Living with HIV/AIDS
- Expanding Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Through Incentivized Continuing Education
- The Substance Use Intervention Team: A Preliminary Analysis of a Population-level Strategy to Address the Opioid Crisis at an Academic Health Center
- Structural Disparities in Data Science: A Prolegomenon for the Future of Machine Learning
- Collaborative care for depression of adults and adolescents: Measuring the effectiveness of screening and treatment uptake
- Differences in length of stay and discharge destination among patients with substance use disorders: The effect of Substance Use Intervention Team (SUIT) consultation service
- Natural language processing and machine learning to identify alcohol misuse from the electronic health record in trauma patients: development and internal validation
- A Case Report of Cognitive Processing Therapy Delivered Over a Single Week
- "Now that you've got that coverage": Promoting use of a regular source of primary care among homeless persons
- Treating posttraumatic stress disorder at home in a single week using 1-week virtual massed cognitive processing therapy
- Investigating Unhealthy Alcohol Use As an Independent Risk Factor for Increased COVID-19 Disease Severity: Observational Cross-sectional Study (Preprint)
- Investigating Unhealthy Alcohol Use As an Independent Risk Factor for Increased COVID-19 Disease Severity: Observational Cross-sectional Study
- Addressing Intersecting Social and Mental Health Needs Among Transition-Age Homeless Youths: A Review of the Literature.
- Analyzing treatment and prescribing in large administrative datasets with a lens on equity.
- The substance use intervention team: A hospital-based intervention and outpatient clinic to improve care for patients with substance use disorders.
- The opioid use disorder core outcomes set (OUD–COS) for treatment research: findings from a Delphi consensus study
- A Mobile Phone–Based Intervention to Improve Mental Health Among Homeless Young Adults: Pilot Feasibility Trial
- Impact of hazardous alcohol use on intensive PTSD treatment outcomes among veterans
- Rates and correlates of well‐being among youth experiencing homelessness
- Response to Kelley & Incze: there is certainly more work to do for the OUD‐COS
- BrotherlyACT: An Online Life-Skills and Mindfulness Coaching Intervention for Violence and Substance Use Prevention Among Young Black Males: Protocol for Adaptation and Pilot Testing (Preprint)
- External validation of a machine learning classifier to identify unhealthy alcohol use in hospitalized patients
- A Scoping Review of Associations Between Cannabis Use and Anxiety in Adolescents and Young Adults
- Subtypes in patients with opioid misuse: A prognostic enrichment strategy using electronic health record data in hospitalized patients
- Automated Mobile Phone–Based Mental Health Resource for Homeless Youth: Pilot Study Assessing Feasibility and Acceptability
- Early Life Stress and Childhood Aggression: Mediating and Moderating Effects of Child Callousness and Stress Reactivity
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Military-Connected Families: The Relevance of a Family-Centered Approach
- High initial dosing of olanzapine for stabilization of acute agitation: A retrospective case series
- An Overview of Sexual Trauma in the U.S. Military
- 68.2 Smartphone-Based Intervention for Homeless Youth
- 6.2 Impact of a Smartphone-Based Intervention on Substance Use Amongst Homeless Youth
- Vulnerability, youth, and homelessness: Ethical considerations on the roles of technology in the lives of adolescents and young adults
- Treating Emotion Dysregulation in Externalizing Disorders
- Bias, the Scientific Method, and the Journal
- Conflict of Interest and the Journal Revisited
- Correction to: Early Life Stress and Childhood Aggression: Mediating and Moderating Effects of Child Callousness and Stress Reactivity
- Posttraumatic Cognitions and Suicidal Ideation Among Veterans Receiving PTSD Treatment
- Evaluating patterns and predictors of symptom change during a three-week intensive outpatient treatment for veterans with PTSD
- Factors associated with substance use in adolescents with eating disorders
- Mental health issues in unaccompanied refugee minors.
- Victims of military sexual trauma - You see them, too
- Psychiatric disorders, high-risk behaviors, and chronicity of episodes among predominantly African American homeless Chicago youth
- In reply
- The mental and physical health of homeless youth: A literature review
- Personality and psychopathology in African unaccompanied refugee minors: Repression, resilience and vulnerability
- Psychopathology in African unaccompanied refugee minors in Austria
- Ethical challenges in developing drugs for psychiatric disorders
- Factors associated with management of teen aggression: Child psychiatric clinical decision making
- Psychiatric disorders and substance use in homeless youth: A preliminary comparison of San Francisco and Chicago
- Negative Posttrauma Cognitions Mediate the Association Between Morally Injurious Events and Trauma-Related Psychopathology in Treatment-Seeking Veterans
- Should clinicians medicate against structural violence? Potential iatrogenic risks and the need for social interventions
- Psychosocial background in incarcerated adolescents from Austria, Turkey and former Yugoslavia.
- Prevalence differences of psychiatric disorders among youth after nine months or more of incarceration by race/ethnicity and age.
- Prevalence of and gender differences in psychiatric disorders among juvenile delinquents incarcerated for nine months.
- Unaccompanied refugee children.
- Personality correlates of physiological response to stress among incarcerated juveniles.
- The cultural sensibility model: a process-oriented approach for children and adolescents.
- Integrated treatment of aggression in the context of ADHD in children refractory to stimulant monotherapy: a window into the future of child psychopharmacology.
- Low internalised restraint predicts criminal recidivism in young female prisoners.
- Psychopathology, trauma and delinquency: Subtypes of aggression and their relevance for understanding young offenders
- Responses to conflict, family loss and flight: Posttraumatic stress disorder among unaccompanied refugee minors from Africa
- Psychiatric Prescribers’ Experiences With Doctor Shoppers
- Child mental health and risk behaviour over time
- Aging Well in an intentional intergenerational community: Meaningful relationships and purposeful engagement
- Pragmatic research for a messy world
- Network science and social media
- Incarcerated youth with personality disorders: Prevalence, comorbidity and convergent validity
- The relationship between patient and parent posttraumatic stress in pediatric oncology: A theoretical framework
- Characteristics of veterans and military service members who endorse causing harm, injury, or death to others in the military
- Child Mental Health and Risk Behaviour Over Time
- Re: Inclusion of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Stage 3 Meaningful Use Guidelines: A Huge Step Forward for LGBT Health, by Cahill et al. (LGBT Health 2016;3:100-102)
- Emotional expressiveness and avoidance in narratives of unaccompanied refugee minors
- Centering Transgender Voices in Research as a Fundamental Strategy Toward Expansion of Access to Care and Social Support
- Exploring the potential of technology-based mental health services for homeless youth: A qualitative study
- Examining the Relationship Between Parent and Child Psychopathology in Treatment-Seeking Veterans
- Teaching Psychiatry Students About Cultural Diversity
- Evidence for Interventions for Young Offenders
- Rwanda & the media: imagery, war & refuge
- Rwanda and the media: Imagery, war and refuge
- A Chart Review of Substance Use Screening and Related Documentation among Adolescents in Outpatient Pediatric Clinics: Implications for Practice
- Between victim and victimizer: The narrow corporeal path of being a foster child
- Foster children and ADHD: Anger, violence, and institutional power
- State and trait emotions in delinquent adolescents.
- Disruptive behaviors: conduct and oppositional disorders in adolescents.
- Ethnic variation of self-reported psychopathology among incarcerated youth.
- Divalproex sodium in the treatment of pediatric psychiatric disorders.
- Locating HIV/AIDS and India: Cautionary notes on the globalization of categories
- Child and adolescent psychiatry: New approaches to juvenile delinquency: Psychopathology development, and neuroscience
- Categories of control: Foster children and ADHD
- Antidepressant and statin interactions: a review and case report of simvastatin and nefazodone-induced rhabdomyolysis and transaminitis.
- Racism in medicine. Environment for open, constructive debate is needed.
- Developmental expression of G protein alpha subunits in mouse spermatogenic cells: evidence that G alpha i is associated with the developing acrosome.
- Subtypes of pediatric delirium: a treatment algorithm.
- Early maturation as a risk factor for aggression and delinquency in adolescent girls: A review.
- Non-fluent progressive aphasia, depression, and OCD in a woman with progressive supranuclear palsy: neuroanatomical and neuropathological correlations.
- Psychopharmacologic treatment in juvenile offenders.
- A comparison between UK and US medical student attitudes towards cultural diversity.
- Teaching cultural diversity to medical students.
- First-year medical students' attitudes toward diversity and its teaching: an investigation at one U.S. Medical School.
- Developmental expression of G protein α subunits in mouse spermatogenic cells: Evidence that Gαi is associated with the developing acrosome
- Psychopharmacology and juvenile delinquency
- First-Year Medical Students' Attitudes toward Diversity and its Teaching: An Investigation at One U.S. Medical School
- Geolocation, Wi-Fi Connectivity and Psychiatric Symptoms among Urban Youth Experiencing Homelessness: An Analysis of Self-Report and Passive Data Collected from Smartphones (Preprint)
- BrotherlyACT: A Technology-Enhanced Intervention for Violence and Substance Use Prevention Among Young Black Males: Protocol for Adaptation and Pilot Testing (Preprint)
- Geolocation Patterns, Wi-Fi Connectivity Rates, and Psychiatric Symptoms amongst Urban Homeless Youth Using Self-Report and Smartphone Data: Pilot Study (Preprint)
- Findings From the Step Up, Test Up Study of an Electronic Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Misuse in Adolescents and Young Adults Presenting for HIV Testing: Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial
- Findings From the Step Up, Test Up Study of an Electronic Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Misuse in Adolescents and Young Adults Presenting for HIV Testing: Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial (Preprint)
- Geolocation Patterns, Wi-Fi Connectivity Rates, and Psychiatric Symptoms Among Urban Homeless Youth: Mixed Methods Study Using Self-report and Smartphone Data (Preprint)
- Geolocation Patterns, Wi-Fi Connectivity Rates, and Psychiatric Symptoms Among Urban Homeless Youth: Mixed Methods Study Using Self-report and Smartphone Data
- A Technology-Enhanced Intervention for Violence and Substance Use Prevention Among Young Black Men: Protocol for Adaptation and Pilot Testing (Preprint)
- A Technology-Enhanced Intervention for Violence and Substance Use Prevention Among Young Black Men: Protocol for Adaptation and Pilot Testing
- Child Maltreatment in Military Families: Risk and Protective Factors, and Family- Systems Interventions
- Treating emotion dysregulation in externalizing disorders
- Disruptive Behavior Disorders
- Childhood Trauma
- Aggression
- Childhood Trauma
- Disruptive Behavior Disorders
- Building a statewide network of MOUD expertise using tiered ECHO® mentoring opportunities
- Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning/Queer Two-Spirit Adolescents and Suicidality
- Biopsychosocial Model of Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Women Experiencing Homelessness: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
- Machine Learning Techniques to Explore Clinical Presentations of COVID-19 Severity and to Test the Association With Unhealthy Opioid Use: Retrospective Cross-sectional Cohort Study
- mHealth Uses and Opportunities for Teens from Communities with High Health Disparities: A Mixed-Methods Study
- Ethical considerations for developing pediatric mhealth interventions for teens with socially complex needs
- Development and multimodal validation of a substance misuse algorithm for referral to treatment using artificial intelligence (SMART-AI): a retrospective deep learning study
- An Implementation of a Community-Engaged, Group-Level Mental Health Pilot for Black and Latina Transgender Women
- Editorial: Pandemics Interact With and Amplify Child Mental Health Disparities: Further Lessons From COVID-19
- Child psychiatry across cultures
- Childhood and adolescent psychiatric disorders
- Disorders of Behavior
- Transatlantic transferability and replicability of machine-learning algorithms to predict mental health crises
- Development and Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for the Detection of Emergency Department Patients with Opioid Misuse from Clinical Notes
- Evaluating an App-Based Intervention for Preventing Firearm Violence and Substance Use in Young Black Boys and Men: Usability Evaluation Study
- 3.68 Developing a Social Framework for Black Adolescent Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Motivation
- Mental Telehealth Utilization Patterns Among High School Students from Racial and Ethnic Minority Backgrounds Affected by Violence and Substance Use
- Socioeconomic and Demographic Disparities in Keratoconus Treatment
- Substance Use Emergency Department Visits Among Youths With Chronic Conditions During COVID-19
- 31.4 Engaging Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Digital Mental Health Interventions
- "I Have More Friends That Died Than Fingers and Toes": Service Utilization Needs and Preferences for Violence and Substance Use Prevention Among Young Black Boys and Men.
- Trends and Disparities in Initiation of Buprenorphine in US Emergency Departments, 2013-2022
- 1.63 Presentation of Children and Adolescents to US Emergency Departments for Alcohol and Substance Use Pre–and Post–COVID-19
- Performance of International Classification of Disease‐10 codes in detecting emergency department patients with opioid misuse
- 5.79 Patterns of Abuse and Psychiatric Medication Use Among Urban Youth Experiencing Homelessness
- Environment Scan of Generative AI Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Science
- Pre-implementation determinants for digital mental health integration in Chicago pediatric primary care
- Digital Mental Health Screening, Feedback, and Referral System for Teens with Socially Complex Needs: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Integrating the TeACH System into Pediatric Primary Care (Preprint)
- Barriers and Facilitators to Ophthalmology Visit Adherence in an Urban Hospital Setting
- “The library is so much more than books”: considerations for the design and implementation of teen digital mental health services in public libraries
- Universal substance use care for adolescents with chronic medical conditions: a protocol to examine equitable implementation determinants and strategies for SBIRT at a pediatric hospital
- Efficacy of an App-Based Intervention on Shifting Attitudes Toward Gun Violence, Aggression, and Improving Mental Health Among Young Black Men: Pilot Intervention Study (Preprint)