University of Illinois at Chicago
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Failure Recovery in Robot-Human Object Handover

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-09, 20:18 authored by S Parastegari, E Noohi, B Abbasi, Milos ZefranMilos Zefran
Object handover is a common physical interaction between humans. It is thus also of significant interest for human-robot interaction. In this paper, we are focused on robot-to-human object handover. The main challenge in this case is how to reduce the failure rate, i.e., to ensure that the object does not fall (object safety), while at the same time allowing the human to easily acquire the object (smoothness). To endow the robot with a failure recovery mechanism, we investigated how humans detect failure during the transfer phase of the handover. We conducted a human study that showed that a human giver primarily relies on vision rather than haptic sensing to detect the fall of the object. Motivated by this study, a robotic handover system is proposed that consists of a motion sensor attached to the robot's gripper, a force sensor at the base of the gripper, and a controller that is capable of regrasping the object if it starts falling. The proposed system is implemented on a Baxter robot and is shown to achieve a smooth and safe handover.


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Parastegari, S., Noohi, E., Abbasi, B.Zefran, M. (2018). Failure Recovery in Robot-Human Object Handover. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 34(3), 660-673.


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

