University of Illinois Chicago

Pandemic-Era Administrative Decision-Making Informed by Patron and Employee Feedback

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-01-23, 22:57 authored by Jung Mi ScoulasJung Mi Scoulas, Elena CarrilloElena Carrillo, Linda Naru
This article follows up on two previously published studies regarding the incorporation of student feedback amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It builds on the model of embracing user experience, focusing on how library employees and patrons felt about the health safety protocols in place during Fall 2021. Analyzing both surveys from employees and patrons, the findings indicated that both groups felt safe in the library. This article recommends that when library decision-makers are in doubt about policies and practices, they should consult with the groups directly affected, and demonstrates the importance of ensuring stakeholders feel heard and can contribute to decision-making.


Publisher Statement

This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Library Administration on 18 Aug 2022 available at:


Scoulas, J. M., Carrillo, E.Naru, L. (2022). Pandemic-Era Administrative Decision-Making Informed by Patron and Employee Feedback. Journal of Library Administration, 62(6), 753-770.


Taylor & Francis


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